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Here are some other interesting sites you might enjoy!

  How Candles Affect Lungs  

Candle safety tips from the American Lung Association.

  Hidden Messages In Water  

Read about the Hidden Messages In Water by Masaru Emoto.

  Poux Online Game  

Can you think fast? You will have to if you want to succeed at keeping the ever growing pile of crystals from growing out of control.

  6th Chakra  

The Third Eye Chakra is located in the center of the head behind your eyebrows. This Chakra is related to our ability to perceive clearly. Intuition, insight, and imagination are also associated with this Chakra.

  My FICO Score  

What is your FICO score and what is it used for? What is in it and what is not in it? Who gets to see it?


Psychoacoustics is the psychological study of how we hear, and how sounds entering our ears are processed by the nervous system.

  We Love Candles  

We love candles because they captivate, stimulate, celebrate with us, warm us, calm and excite us.

  Home Equity Loan  

If you are drowning in credit card debt or other debt, perhaps a debt consolidation loan is the answer. The options vary from a home equity loan or refinancing home loan to a secured or unsecured loan. Learn what questions to ask before signing.

  Play Shisen Sho  

ShisenSho is an interesting twist of the very popular game Mahjongg that is amazingly enjoyable.

  Mortgage Application  

Calculate your monthly home mortgage payment to see how much house you can afford. Find out what you need to know before applying for a mortgage.

  Free Cheetah Race  

Your Classic Horse Racing Game with Cheetahs...

  Tetris Game Online  

Play Classic, Original Tetris

  Take the Miss Piggy Quiz  

Take the Miss Piggy quiz. Test your knowledge of Miss Piggy and the Muppets.

  Prazsky Krysavik  

The Prague Ratter is a dog good with children.

  Logic Puzzles  

Which pair of students took which pictures in this logic puzzle?

  3-D Illusions  

This 3D optical illusion is impossible to create for real.

  Free Cheetah Race  

Your Classic Horse Racing Game with Cheetahs...

  Free Cheetah Race  

Your Classic Horse Racing Game with Cheetahs...

  Manual Toothbrush  

The Natural Toothbrush with Ionic Cleaning Power. Removes plauqe. Kills bacteria. No Fluoride Toothpaste needed. Avoid The Danger Of Fluoride.

  Refinance Mortgage  

If you are drowning in credit card debt or other debt, perhaps a debt consolidation loan is the answer. The options vary from a home equity loan or refinancing home loan to a secured or unsecured loan. Learn what questions to ask before signing.

  Alternative Color Therapy  

Color healing properties of color therapy baths.

  5th Chakra  

The Throat Chakra is located in the center of the throat near the adam's apple. This Chakra is linked to our creativity and ability to communicate.

  Cute Cat Pictures  

When first considering a pet for an apartment, you might think of cats, and for good reason. They are easy to care for, almost taking care of themselves, and do not need constant attention like many other pets.

  Get Out of Debt  

It is not necessary to pay someone to help you get out of debt. You can do it yourself. Save that money and apply it to the debt you owe.

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See us for free good optical illusions. Find a cool optical illusion an optical illusion and eye trick, a funny optical illusion, or a crazy optical illusion or an optical illusion image. We have over 140 visual illusions. We have the best optical illusion you can fine. We explain what make an optical illusion.

  3-D Illusions  

What happened to the end of the other bar in this optical illusion??

  Prevent Candle Fires  

Candle safety tips from the National Fire Protection Association.

  Cool Optical Illusions  

Can you figure out what is in this cool optical illusion? Once you see it, you will be amazed that you did not see it immediately.

  Heart Chakra  

See a chakra symbol of the Fourth Chakra, The Heart Chakra

  Portuguese Wine  

Portuguese Wine

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Cubic zirconia and Moissanite Diamonds are fake diamonds, hard to tell from the real thing.

Candle safety tips from the American Lung Association.

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